According to the passage, states of power are transient because of the:
Answer: Option A
Look at these lines in 3rd paragraph which clearly indicate that option (a) is the correct answer.
"but in the moving substrate of force relations that, by virtue of their inequality, constantly engender local and unstable states of power. If power seems omnipresent, it is not because it has the privilege of consolidating everything under its invincible unity, but because it is produced from one moment to the next, at every point”.
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Look at these lines in 3rd paragraph which clearly indicate that option (a) is the correct answer.
"but in the moving substrate of force relations that, by virtue of their inequality, constantly engender local and unstable states of power. If power seems omnipresent, it is not because it has the privilege of consolidating everything under its invincible unity, but because it is produced from one moment to the next, at every point”.
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