Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or sentence.
A person who looks at the bright side of things
A person who looks at the bright side of things
Answer: Option C
Answer: (c)
optimist (N.) : a person who always expects good thing to happen
cynic (N.) : a person who believes that people only do things to help themselves, rather than for good or sincere reasons
pessimist (N.) : a person who always expects bad things to happen
sycophant (N.) : a person who praises important or powerful people too much and in a way that is not sincere, especially in order to get something from them
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Answer: (c)
optimist (N.) : a person who always expects good thing to happen
cynic (N.) : a person who believes that people only do things to help themselves, rather than for good or sincere reasons
pessimist (N.) : a person who always expects bad things to happen
sycophant (N.) : a person who praises important or powerful people too much and in a way that is not sincere, especially in order to get something from them
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