Sail E0 Webinar

General Knowledge > History


World GK

Total Questions : 535 | Page 45 of 54 pages
Question 441. When was the All Red Line inaugurated?
  1.    1902
  2.    1922
  3.    1872
  4.    1901
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Answer: Option A. -> 1902
Question 442. Who made the famous statement "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains."
  1.    Jean Jacques Rousseau
  2.    Voltaire
  3.    John Locke
  4.    Mirabeau
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Answer: Option A. -> Jean Jacques Rousseau
Question 443. When did the Battle of Lechfeld happen?
  1.    955
  2.    987
  3.    918
  4.    996
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Answer: Option A. -> 955
Question 444. Who won the Battle of Poitiers in 732?
  1.    Pepin of Herstal
  2.    Charles Martel
  3.    Carloman
  4.    Pepin the Short
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Answer: Option B. -> Charles Martel
Question 445. When was the Bill of Rights sanctioned?
  1.    1776
  2.    1775
  3.    1791
  4.    1783
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Answer: Option C. -> 1791
Question 446. Who is known as 'The Father of English History'
  1.    Alfred the Great
  2.    Bede
  3.    John Chrysostom
  4.    Jerome
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Answer: Option B. -> Bede
Question 447. Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation?
  1.    John F. Kennedy
  2.    George Washington
  3.    Abraham Lincoln
  4.    William Wallace Lincoln
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Answer: Option C. -> Abraham Lincoln
Question 448. The currency of Thailand is
  1.    Rupiah
  2.    Yen
  3.    Yuan
  4.    Baht
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Answer: Option D. -> Baht
Question 449. Who is known as the father of Modern Medicine?
  1.    Pythagoras
  2.    Erastosthenes
  3.    Hippocrates
  4.    Euclid
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Answer: Option C. -> Hippocrates
Question 450. Who among the following supported the Doctrine of Predestination
  1.    John Calvin
  2.    John Knox
  3.    Zwingli
  4.    Martin Luther
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Answer: Option A. -> John Calvin

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