Sail E0 Webinar

General Knowledge > History


World GK

Total Questions : 535 | Page 40 of 54 pages
Question 391. When was the modern petroleum industry started?
  1.    1808
  2.    1846
  3.    1829
  4.    1898
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Answer: Option B. -> 1846
Question 392. Japanese folk tradition and ritual, with no founder or single sacred scripture, is popularly known as
  1.    Shintoism
  2.    Zoroastrianism
  3.    Paganism
  4.    Taoism
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Answer: Option A. -> Shintoism
Question 393. In which year Genghis Khan was proclaimed as Emperor or Khagan
  1.    1200
  2.    1206
  3.    1192
  4.    1998
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Answer: Option B. -> 1206
Question 394. What was the economic activity of Western Europe in the early middle ages?
  1.    Agriculture
  2.    Long-distance trade
  3.    Commercial and urban
  4.    All listed here
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Answer: Option A. -> Agriculture
Question 395. Who said, "Adolf Hitler is Germany and Germany is Adolf Hitler. He who pledges himself to Hitler pledges himself to Germany"?
  1.    R. Hess
  2.    Mussolini
  3.    Communist International
  4.    Hitler
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Answer: Option A. -> R. Hess
Question 396. Alexander the Great died at __________
  1.    Kabul
  2.    Macedonia
  3.    Susa
  4.    Babylon
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Answer: Option D. -> Babylon
Question 397. Who wrote the article "The Gospel of Wealth"?
  1.    Dale Carnegie
  2.    Cornelius Vanderbilt
  3.    Andrew Carnegie
  4.    Napoleon Hill
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Answer: Option C. -> Andrew Carnegie
Question 398. According to Gregory of Tours, which of the following was true about Clovis's conversion?
  1.    He was forced to convert by the bishops
  2.    At the behest of his wife, the queen Clotilde
  3.    He forced his army to be baptized after he was
  4.    He began to consider conversion when his army was defeated by the Christian Alamanni
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Answer: Option B. -> At the behest of his wife, the queen Clotilde
Question 399. Who were the three eminent statesmen who started the Non-aligned Movement?
  1.    Jawaharlal Nehru, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Marshal Tito
  2.    Jawaharlal Nehru, Anwar Sadat, Soekarno
  3.    Jawaharlal Nehru, Fidel Castro, Marshal Tito
  4.    Jawaharlal Nehru, Chou Enlai, Kwame Nkrumah
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Answer: Option A. -> Jawaharlal Nehru, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Marshal Tito
Question 400. Who pioneered Christian cenobitic monasticism?
  1.    Anthony the Great
  2.    Pachomius the Great
  3.    Athanasius of Alexandria
  4.    Basil of Caesarea
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Answer: Option B. -> Pachomius the Great

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