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General Knowledge > History


World GK

Total Questions : 535 | Page 38 of 54 pages
Question 371. Alexander sent back home a portion of his army under an admiral called __________
  1.    Nearchos
  2.    Porus
  3.    Ptolemy
  4.    Menander
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Answer: Option A. -> Nearchos
Question 372. On which theatre house, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
  1.    Senator Theater
  2.    Gold Theater
  3.    Ford's Theatre
  4.    Oscar Theater
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Answer: Option C. -> Ford's Theatre
Question 373. What was the reason for Franks rapid rise in western Europe?
  1.    Clovis's defeat of the Muslims at the Battle of Tours
  2.    Clovis's alliance with the Islamic world
  3.    Clovis's conversion to Roman Christianity
  4.    Clovis's conversion to Arian Christianity
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Answer: Option C. -> Clovis's conversion to Roman Christianity
Question 374. Which one was the capital city of Byzantine Empire
  1.    Constantinople
  2.    Rome
  3.    Venice
  4.    Vienna
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Answer: Option A. -> Constantinople
Question 375. Who proclaimed the First Crusade?
  1.    Pope Urban II
  2.    Pope Gregory VII
  3.    Peter the Hermit
  4.    Alexios I Komnenos
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Answer: Option A. -> Pope Urban II
Question 376. Frederick the Great was the king of
  1.    Prussia
  2.    Britain
  3.    Italy
  4.    France
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Answer: Option A. -> Prussia
Question 377. Who is the second Great Khan of the Mongol Empire
  1.    Guyuk Khan
  2.    Mongke Khan
  3.    Ogedei Khan
  4.    Kublai Khan
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Answer: Option C. -> Ogedei Khan
Question 378. Who discovered Cape of Good Hope in 1488?
  1.    Magellan
  2.    Vasco da Gama
  3.    Bartholomew Dias
  4.    Columbus
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Answer: Option C. -> Bartholomew Dias
Question 379. The Treaty of Versailles humiliated
  1.    Germany
  2.    England
  3.    Austria
  4.    France
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Answer: Option A. -> Germany
Question 380. Which Ottoman Sultan defeat Byzantine Empire and capture Constantinople city in 1453
  1.    Mehmed IV
  2.    Murad II
  3.    Mehmed II
  4.    Bayezid II
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Answer: Option C. -> Mehmed II

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