Sail E0 Webinar

General Knowledge > History


World GK

Total Questions : 535 | Page 37 of 54 pages
Question 361. The "Last Supper" a famous Renaissance Painting was a master piece of
  1.    Titian
  2.    Leonardo da Vinci
  3.    Raphael
  4.    Michael Angelo
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Answer: Option B. -> Leonardo da Vinci
Question 362. Who was the last Emperor of Rome
  1.    Romulus Augustulus
  2.    Julius Nepos
  3.    Nero
  4.    Julius Caesar
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Answer: Option A. -> Romulus Augustulus
Question 363. Who wrote the book 'Oliver Twist'
  1.    Mark Twain
  2.    William Shakespeare
  3.    Christopher Marlowe
  4.    Charles Dickens
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Answer: Option D. -> Charles Dickens
Question 364. When was Government of India Act passed?
  1.    1800
  2.    1858
  3.    1819
  4.    1818
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Answer: Option B. -> 1858
Question 365. Who is known as the 'Father of History'
  1.    Herodotus
  2.    Thucydides
  3.    Archimedes
  4.    Homer
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Answer: Option A. -> Herodotus
Question 366. Peking is the sacred place of
  1.    Taoism
  2.    Shintoism
  3.    Judaism
  4.    Confucianism
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Answer: Option D. -> Confucianism
Question 367. Which Mountain's volcano buried Pompeii city with ash in 79 AD
  1.    Mount Pelee
  2.    Mount Vesuvius
  3.    Mount Tambora
  4.    Mount Etna
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Answer: Option B. -> Mount Vesuvius
Question 368. Who was a founder member of the Russian Populist Movement "Anarchism"?
  1.    Gorkhy
  2.    Leo Tolstoy
  3.    Mikhail Bakunin
  4.    Turganew
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Answer: Option C. -> Mikhail Bakunin
Question 369. When was Operation 'Condor' implemented?
  1.    1980
  2.    1970
  3.    1990
  4.    1975
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Answer: Option D. -> 1975
Question 370. Fascism believes in the application of the principle of
  1.    Totalitarianism
  2.    Dictatorship
  3.    Utilitarianism
  4.    Democracy
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Answer: Option A. -> Totalitarianism

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