Sail E0 Webinar

General Knowledge > History


World GK

Total Questions : 535 | Page 32 of 54 pages
Question 311. United Nations was formed in the year
  1.    1944
  2.    1947
  3.    1948
  4.    1945
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Answer: Option D. -> 1945
Question 312. The Declaration of American Independence was based on the theory of
  1.    Natural Rights
  2.    Civil Rights
  3.    Legal Rights
  4.    Moral Rights
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Answer: Option A. -> Natural Rights
Question 313. Who said that "Man by nature is a political animal"?
  1.    Aristotle
  2.    Hobbes
  3.    Plato
  4.    Rousseau
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Answer: Option A. -> Aristotle
Question 314. "What is the Third Estate?" pamphlet associated with the French Revolution, was written by
  1.    Marquis - Lafayette
  2.    Abbe Sieyes
  3.    Joseph Foulon
  4.    Edmund Burke
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Answer: Option B. -> Abbe Sieyes
Question 315. The European renaissance started from which country
  1.    Italy
  2.    England
  3.    Franch
  4.    Greece
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Answer: Option A. -> Italy
Question 316. "Middle Ages" in Western Europe includes the period __________
  1.    Beginning of Early Christian through the 13th or 14th centuries
  2.    End of the Roman Empire through the Byzantine period
  3.    AD 300 - AD 1600
  4.    Beginning of Byzantine through the end of the Roman Empire
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Answer: Option A. -> Beginning of Early Christian through the 13th or 14th centuries
Question 317. When did Xinhai Revolution occur?
  1.    1900
  2.    1912
  3.    1911
  4.    1872
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Answer: Option C. -> 1911
Question 318. What does the opening scene of Beowulf describe?
  1.    The arrival of Scyld Scefing in Denmark
  2.    The defeat of the monster Grendel
  3.    The birth of Beowulf
  4.    The death of Beowulf
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Answer: Option A. -> The arrival of Scyld Scefing in Denmark
Question 319. When did the Three Kingdoms period begin in China?
  1.    280
  2.    220
  3.    238
  4.    226
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Answer: Option B. -> 220
Question 320. When did Alexander the Great die?
  1.    399 BC
  2.    323 BC
  3.    385 BC
  4.    335 BC
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 323 BC

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