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General Knowledge > History


World GK

Total Questions : 535 | Page 29 of 54 pages
Question 281. The city of Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in the year
  1.    365 BC
  2.    325BC
  3.    331 BC
  4.    322 BC
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Answer: Option C. -> 331 BC
Question 282. Who was the commander of 'Seventh Coalition' army that defeated Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo
  1.    Robert Clive
  2.    Jean-de-Dieu Soult
  3.    John Carnac
  4.    Arthur Wellesley
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Answer: Option D. -> Arthur Wellesley
Question 283. Which one was the slogan during French Revolution
  1.    Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
  2.    Liberty, Authority, Fraternity
  3.    Liberty, Equality, Freedom
  4.    Liberty, Law, Fraternity
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Answer: Option A. -> Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Question 284. Who was the original inventor of roller spinning?
  1.    Lewis Paul
  2.    John Kay
  3.    Samuel Crompton
  4.    Richard Arkwright
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Answer: Option A. -> Lewis Paul
Question 285. World renowned philosopher Karl Marx was born in the country
  1.    Italy
  2.    Germany
  3.    Austria
  4.    Russia
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Answer: Option B. -> Germany
Question 286. Who founded the philosophy of Stoicism in Athens?
  1.    Chrysippus
  2.    Zeno of Citium
  3.    Cleanthes
  4.    Epictetus
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Answer: Option B. -> Zeno of Citium
Question 287. In which year Vatican City was established as an independent state
  1.    1782
  2.    1929
  3.    1756
  4.    1835
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Answer: Option B. -> 1929
Question 288. Who was the American leader who led a non-violent movement to obtain full civil rights for American Negroes?
  1.    Martin Luther King Junior
  2.    Abraham Lincoln
  3.    George Washington
  4.    John F. Kennedy
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Answer: Option A. -> Martin Luther King Junior
Question 289. How did Saint Boniface help to shape the German church?
  1.    Writing 'The Rule of Saint Benedict'
  2.    Writing the epic 'Beowulf'
  3.    Preaching against the importance of monasteries
  4.    Preaching against divorce, incest, and polygamy
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Answer: Option D. -> Preaching against divorce, incest, and polygamy
Question 290. When was the commercial colonization of India commenced?
  1.    1751
  2.    1765
  3.    1707
  4.    1757
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> 1757

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