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General Knowledge > History


World GK

Total Questions : 535 | Page 28 of 54 pages
Question 271. The famous painting 'Last Supper' is a creation of
  1.    Sandro Botticelli
  2.    Leonardo Da Vinci
  3.    Michaelangelo
  4.    Vincent van Gogh
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Answer: Option B. -> Leonardo Da Vinci
Question 272. Who was the last Emperor (Tsar) of Russia
  1.    Nicholas II
  2.    Alexander II
  3.    Nicholas I
  4.    Alexander III
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Answer: Option A. -> Nicholas II
Question 273. Who said "Spanish ulcer was the cause of my ruin"
  1.    Napoleon
  2.    Chamberlain
  3.    Matternich
  4.    Marshal Fouch
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Answer: Option A. -> Napoleon
Question 274. In which country the Head of the State gets his office by the law of hereditary succession?
  1.    Sri Lanka
  2.    China
  3.    France
  4.    Japan
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Answer: Option D. -> Japan
Question 275. East Timor, in Indonesian, Archipelago, was the former colony of
  1.    French
  2.    Portuguese
  3.    English
  4.    Dutch
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Answer: Option B. -> Portuguese
Question 276. Who is known as the Artist of the world famous painting 'Mona Lisa'
  1.    Michelangelo
  2.    Filippo Brunelleschi
  3.    Leonardo da Vinci
  4.    Vincent van Gogh
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Answer: Option C. -> Leonardo da Vinci
Question 277. In which year Bastille of Paris stormed by the people which lead to the French Revolution
  1.    1789
  2.    1779
  3.    1808
  4.    1746
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Answer: Option A. -> 1789
Question 278. The declaration that Democracy is a Government 'of the people, by the pebple' was made by
  1.    Theodore Roosevelt
  2.    George Washington
  3.    Winston Churchill
  4.    Abraham Lincoln
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Answer: Option D. -> Abraham Lincoln
Question 279. "The Three Emperors League" 1873 was also known as
  1.    Dreikaiserbund Treaty
  2.    The Dual Alliance
  3.    Triple Alliance
  4.    Reinsurance Treaty
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Answer: Option A. -> Dreikaiserbund Treaty
Question 280. When was the League of Nations established?
  1.    In 1918
  2.    In 1920
  3.    In 1939
  4.    In 1914
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Answer: Option B. -> In 1920

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