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General Knowledge > History


World GK

Total Questions : 535 | Page 13 of 54 pages
Question 121. Which city is known as the birthplace of the Renaissance
  1.    Rome
  2.    Venice
  3.    London
  4.    Florence
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Answer: Option D. -> Florence
Question 122. During 18th century who among the following philosophers said these famous words? "Man is born free but is every where in chains."
  1.    Voltaire
  2.    Jack Dareda
  3.    Montesqueue
  4.    Jean Jacques Rousseaou
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Answer: Option D. -> Jean Jacques Rousseaou
Question 123. When was Hong Kong leased to Britain for 99 years by China
  1.    1898
  2.    1903
  3.    1900
  4.    1901
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Answer: Option A. -> 1898
Question 124. The Parliament of Great Britain was formed in the year
  1.    1774
  2.    1707
  3.    1823
  4.    1729
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Answer: Option B. -> 1707
Question 125. The Battle of the Hydaspes was fought by Alexander the Great against
  1.    Bessus
  2.    King Darius III
  3.    King Porus
  4.    Spitamenes
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Answer: Option C. -> King Porus
Question 126. Like Vedic Aryans, the custom of Sacrificial fire was also followed by
  1.    Romans
  2.    Iranians
  3.    Greeks
  4.    All of these
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Answer: Option D. -> All of these
Question 127. The Law of Twelve Tables was concerned with which civilization
  1.    Greece
  2.    Egypt
  3.    Rome
  4.    China
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Answer: Option C. -> Rome
Question 128. Pablo Picasso, the famous painter was
  1.    Flemish
  2.    Italian
  3.    Spanish
  4.    French
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Answer: Option C. -> Spanish
Question 129. Constantinople, the capital of Roman Empire was captured by Turks in the year
  1.    1453
  2.    1385
  3.    1469
  4.    1415
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Answer: Option A. -> 1453
Question 130. Of the following, in which did Napolenic France suffer final defeat?
  1.    Battle of Wagram
  2.    Battle of Trafalgar
  3.    Battle of Pyramids
  4.    Battle of Austerlitz
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Answer: Option B. -> Battle of Trafalgar

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