Sail E0 Webinar

Quantitative Aptitude


Square Roots, Cube Roots, Squares And Square Roots

Total Questions : 547 | Page 35 of 55 pages
Question 341.

How many two -digit numbers satisfy this  property : The last digit ( unit's  digit) of the  square of the two digit number is ?

  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    3
  4.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> None of these

A  number ending in 8 can never be a perfect  square .

Question 342.

`sqrt(25/81  - 1/9)`  = ?

  1.    `2/3`
  2.    `4/9`
  3.    `16/81`
  4.    `25/81`
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> `4/9`

`sqrt(25/81  - 1/9)` =  `sqrt((25 - 9)/(81))` =  `sqrt(16/81)` =   `sqrt(16)/sqrt(81)` =  `4/9`

Question 343.

`sqrt(110 1/4)` = ?

  1.    10.25
  2.    10.5
  3.    11.5
  4.    19.5
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 10.5

`sqrt(110 1/4)` = `sqrt(441/4)`  = `sqrt(441)/sqrt(4)` =  `21/2` =  10.5

Question 344.

If  y = 5 , then  what is the value of  10y `sqrt(y^3 - y^2)`  =  ?

  1.    `50sqrt(2)`
  2.    100
  3.    `200sqrt(5)`
  4.    500
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> 500

10y `sqrt(y^3 - y^2)` =  10 x `5sqrt(5^3 - 5^2)` =  50 x `sqrt(125 - 25)` =  50 x `sqrt(100)` =  50 x 10 = 500

Question 345.

If   `x ** y` = `x + y + sqrt(xy)` , the value of  `6**24` is

  1.    41
  2.    42
  3.    43
  4.    44
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 42

`6 **24` =  6 + 24 + `sqrt(6 xx 24)` =  30  +`sqrt(144)` =  30  + 12 = 42.

Question 346.

The square root of `(272^2 - 128^2)`  is

  1.    144
  2.    200
  3.    240
  4.    256
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 240

`sqrt((272)^2 - (128)^2) ` = `sqrt((272 + 128) (272 - 128))` = `sqrt(400 xx 144)` = `sqrt(57600)` =  240.

Question 347.

`(sqrt(225/729)  -  sqrt(25/144))  -:  sqrt(16/81)`  = ?

  1.    `1/48`
  2.    `5/48`
  3.    `5/16`
  4.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> `5/16`

Given exp. =  `(sqrt(225/729)  -  sqrt(25/144))  -: sqrt(16/81)`

                 =  `(15/27 -  5/12) -: 4/9`  =    `15/108 xx 9/4`   =  `5/16`

Question 348.

`((sqrt(625))/(11)  xx (14)/(sqrt(25)) xx (11)/(sqrt(196)))`  is equal to

  1.    5
  2.    6
  3.    8
  4.    11
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 5

`((sqrt(625))/(11)  xx (14)/(sqrt(25)) xx (11)/(sqrt(196)))`   =  `(25)/(11) xx (14)/(5) xx (11)/(14) ` = ` (25)/(5)` = 5.

Question 349.

`sqrt(176 + sqrt(2401))`

  1.    14
  2.    15
  3.    18
  4.    24
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 15

`sqrt(176 + sqrt(2401))`  = `sqrt( 176 + 49)` =  `sqrt(225)`  =  15.

Question 350.

Evaluate : `sqrt(41 - sqrt(21  + sqrt(19 -  sqrt(9))))`

  1.    3
  2.    5
  3.    6
  4.    6.4
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 6

`sqrt(41 - sqrt(21  + sqrt(19 -  sqrt(9))))` =`sqrt(41 - sqrt(21  + sqrt(19 - 3)))` =  `sqrt(41 - sqrt ( 21  + sqrt(16)))`

=`sqrt(41 - sqrt(21 + 4))`  = `sqrt(41 - sqrt(25))`  =  `sqrt(41 - 5)` =  `sqrt(36)`  =   6.

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