Sail E0 Webinar

Quantitative Aptitude


Square Roots, Cube Roots, Squares And Square Roots

Total Questions : 547 | Page 34 of 55 pages
Question 331.

Given that `sqrt(13)` = 3.605 and  `sqrt(130)` = 11.40, find the value of `sqrt(1.3)` + `sqrt(1300)`  + `sqrt(0.013)`.

  1.    36.164
  2.    36.304
  3.    37.164
  4.    37.304
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Answer: Option D. -> 37.304

Given exp. =` sqrt(1.30) + sqrt(1300) + sqrt(0.0130)` =  `sqrt(130/100) + sqrt(13 xx100) + sqrt(130/10000)`

                  =  `sqrt(130)/10 + sqrt(13) xx 10 + sqrt(130)/100` = `11.40/10  + 3.605 xx 10 + 11.40/100 `

                  = 1.14 + 36.05 + 0.114 =  37.304.

Question 332.

If  `sqrt(18225)`  = 135,  then the  value of

`(sqrt(182.25) + sqrt(1.8225) + sqrt(0.018225) + sqrt(0.00018225))` is

  1.    1.49985
  2.    14.9985
  3.    149.985
  4.    1499.85
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Answer: Option B. -> 14.9985

Given exp. =  `sqrt(18225/10^2) + sqrt(18225/10^4) + sqrt(18225/10^6)  + sqrt(18225/10^8)`

                 = `sqrt(28225)/10 + sqrt(18225)/20^2 + sqrt(18225)/10^3 + sqrt(18225)/10^4`

               =   `135/10 + 135/100 + 135/1000 + 135/10000`

             =    13.5 + 1.35 + 0.135 + 0.0135 = 14.9985


Question 333.

If `sqrt(.00000676)` =  .0026,  the  square root of 67,60,000 is :

  1.    `1/26`
  2.    26
  3.    260
  4.    2600
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Answer: Option D. -> 2600

`sqrt(6760000)` = `sqrt(0.00000676 xx 10^12)` =  `sqrt(0.00000676) xx sqrt(10^12)`     =  .0026 x `10^6` =  2600

Question 334.

`sqrt(.0025) ` x `sqrt(2.25)` x` sqrt(.0001)`    =  ?

  1.    .000075
  2.    .0075
  3.    .075
  4.    None of these
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Answer: Option D. -> None of these

Given exp. = `sqrt(.0025) ` x `sqrt(2.25)` x` sqrt(.0001)`

                = `sqrt(25/10000)` x `sqrt(225/100)` x `sqrt(1/10000)`

                =  `5/100` x` 15/10` x `1/100` =   `75/100000` =  0.00075

Question 335.

The value of `sqrt(0.01)` + `sqrt(0.81)` + `sqrt(1.21)` + `sqrt(0.0009)`  is :

  1.    2.03
  2.    2.1
  3.    2.11
  4.    2.13
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Answer: Option D. -> 2.13

Given exp. =`sqrt(0.01)` + `sqrt(0.81)` + `sqrt(1.21)` + `sqrt(0.0009)` 

                 = `sqrt(1/100)` + `sqrt(81/100)` + `sqrt(121/100)` + `sqrt(9/10000)`

                 =  `1/10 + 9/10 + 11/10 + 3/100` =  0.1 + 0.9 + 1.1 + 0.03 + 2.13 

Question 336.

`sqrt(0.01 +sqrt (0.0064))` = ?

  1.    0.03
  2.    0.3
  3.    0.42
  4.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 0.3

`sqrt(0.01 + (0.0064))` = `sqrt(0.01 + sqrt(64/10000))` =  `sqrt(0.01 + 8/100)` =   `sqrt(0.01 + 0.08)` = `sqrt(0.09)`

                                    =  0.3

Question 337.

`1.2^2` x `sqrt(0.0225)` = ?

  1.    0.0375
  2.    0.3375
  3.    3.275
  4.    32.75
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Answer: Option B. -> 0.3375

`1.2^2` x `sqrt(0.0225)`  = `1.5^2` x `sqrt(225/10000)` =   2.25 x `15/100` = 2.25x 0.15 =  0.3375

Question 338.

`sqrt(0.00004761)`  equals  :

  1.    0.00069
  2.    0.0069
  3.    0.069
  4.    0.0609
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 0.0069

`sqrt(0.0004761)` =  `sqrt(4761/10^8)` =  `sqrt(4761/10^8)` = `sqrt(4761)/sqrt(10^8)`  =  `69/10^4`

                               = `69/10000` =   0.0069

Question 339.

The value of `sqrt(0.000441)` is :

  1.    0.00021
  2.    0.0021
  3.    0.021
  4.    0.069
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 0.021

`sqrt(0.000441)` = `sqrt(441/10^6)`  =  `sqrt(441)/sqrt(10^6)` = `21/10^3` = `21/1000` =  0.021

Question 340.

What is the square root of  0.16 ?

  1.    0.004
  2.    0.04
  3.    0.4
  4.    4
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Answer: Option C. -> 0.4

`sqrt(0.16)`    =   `sqrt(16/100)` =  `sqrt(16)/sqrt(100)` =  `4/10` = 0.4

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