Sail E0 Webinar

Quantitative Aptitude


Square Roots, Cube Roots, Squares And Square Roots

Total Questions : 547 | Page 33 of 55 pages
Question 321.

`sqrt(?/169)` = `54/39`

  1.    108
  2.    324
  3.    2916
  4.    4800
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Answer: Option B. -> 324

Let `sqrt(x/169)` = `54/39` ,  Then `sqrt(x)/13` = `54/39`  `hArr` ` sqrt(x)` =  `(54/39 xx 13)` = 18`hArr` `x` = `(18)^2`=324

Question 322.

`28sqrt(?)` + 1426  = `3/4` of  2872

  1.    576
  2.    676
  3.    1296
  4.    1444
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 676

Let  `28sqrt(x)` + 1426 = `3/4` x 2872

`28sqrt(x)` + 1426 = 3 x 718.

Then `28sqrt(x)` =  2154 - 1426   `hArr`   `28sqrt(x)` =  728     `hArr`  `sqrt(x)`  =  26   `hArr` `x` =  `(26)^2`

`x` = 676

Question 323.

If `sqrt(18 xx 14 xx x)` =  84, then  `x` equals :

  1.    22
  2.    24
  3.    28
  4.    32
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Answer: Option C. -> 28

`sqrt(18 xx 14 xx x)` =  84  `hArr`   18 x 14 x `x` =  84 x 84 `hArr`    `x`  = `(84xx84)/(18xx14) = 28.`

Question 324.

If `sqrt(3^n)` = 729, then the value of  n is :

  1.    6
  2.    8
  3.    10
  4.    12
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Answer: Option D. -> 12

`sqrt(3^n)` =  729 = `3^6`  `hArr`   (`sqrt(3^n)^2`) =  `(3^6)^2`  `hArr`  `3^n` =  `3^12` `hArr`   n = 12.

Question 325.

What number should be divided by `sqrt(0.25)`  to give  the result as 25 ?

  1.    12.5
  2.    25
  3.    50
  4.    125
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Answer: Option A. -> 12.5

Let the required number be `x`. Then , `x/sqrt(0.25)`  =  25   `hArr`   `x/0.5` = 25   `hArr`  `x` = 25 x 0.5 = 12.5.

Question 326.

It 0.13 `-:`  `p^2` = 13 then  p  equals :

  1.    0.01
  2.    0.1
  3.    10
  4.    100
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Answer: Option B. -> 0.1

`0.13/p^2` =  13  `hArr`   `p^2`  = `0.13/13`=  `1/100`  `hArr`  p = `sqrt(1/100)` =    `1/10`  =   0.1

Question 327.

What should come in place of both the question marks in the equation `?/sqrt(128)` =  `sqrt(162)/?`

  1.    12
  2.    14
  3.    144
  4.    196
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Answer: Option A. -> 12

Let  `x/sqrt(128)` = `sqrt(162)/x`

Then , `x^2` = `sqrt(128xx162)` =  `sqrt(64 xx 2 xx 18 xx 9)` =` sqrt(8^2 xx 6^2 xx 3^2)` =  8 x 6 x 3 = 144

`:.`  `x` = ` sqrt(144) `= 12.

Question 328.

Which number can replace  both the question marks in the equation  `(4 1/2)/(?)`  =  `?/32`

  1.    1
  2.    7
  3.    `7 1/2`
  4.    None of these
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Answer: Option D. -> None of these

Let  `(4 1/2)/(x)` =  `x/32`.  Then  `x^2` = 32 x `9/2` =  144   `hArr`   `x` =  `sqrt(144)` =  12

Question 329.

For  what  value of  `**` the statement `(**/15) (**/135)`   = 1   is true ?

  1.    15
  2.    25
  3.    35
  4.    45
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Answer: Option D. -> 45

Let the missing number be  `x`.

Then `x^2` =  15 x 135   `hArr`    `x`  =   `sqrt(15 xx 135)`   =   `sqrt(15^2 xx 3^2)`  =   15 x 3 = 45

Question 330.

If   ` 52/x` = `sqrt(169/289)` , the value of  `x` is

  1.    52
  2.    58
  3.    62
  4.    68
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Answer: Option D. -> 68

`52/x` =` sqrt(169/289)`   `hArr`  `52/x` =  `13/17`    `hArr`   `x` =  `((52xx17)/(13))`  =  68.

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