Sail E0 Webinar

Quantitative Aptitude


Square Roots, Cube Roots, Squares And Square Roots

Total Questions : 547 | Page 25 of 55 pages
Question 241.

If `x = ((sqrt(5) + sqrt(3))/(sqrt(5) - sqrt(3)))` and `y = ((sqrt(5) - sqrt(3))/(sqrt(5) + sqrt(3)))` find he value of

`(x^2 + y^2)`.

  1.    60
  2.    61
  3.    62
  4.    63
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 62

Sol.   `x = ((sqrt(5) + sqrt(3))/(sqrt(5) - sqrt(3))) xx ((sqrt(5) + sqrt(3))/(sqrt(5)+ sqrt(3)))`

               = `((sqrt(5) - sqrt(3))^2)/((5 - 3)) =  (5 + 3 + 2sqrt(15))/(2) = 4 + sqrt(15)`

`y = ((sqrt(5) - sqrt(3))/(sqrt(5) + sqrt(3))) xx ((sqrt(5)- sqrt(3))/(sqrt(5)- sqrt(3)))`

                = `((sqrt(5) - sqrt(3))^2)/ ((5 - 3))   =  (5 + 3 - 2sqrt(15))/(2)     = 4 - sqrt(15)`

`:.`       `x^2 + y^2 = (4 + sqrt(15))^2 + (4 - sqrt(15))^2`

               = `2[(4)^2 + sqrt(15)^2]` =  2 x 31 = 62.

Question 242.

If `sqrt(2)` = 1.4142, find the value of `(sqrt(2))/((2 + sqrt(2)))`

  1.    0.3423
  2.    0.4142
  3.    0.3233
  4.    0.4241
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 0.4142

Sol. `(sqrt(2))/((2 + sqrt(2)))`

       = `(sqrt(2))/((2 + sqrt(2)))` x `((2 - sqrt(2)))/((2 - sqrt(2)))`

       = `(2sqrt(2) - 2)/(4 - 2) = (2(sqrt(2) - 1))/(2) `

        = `(sqrt(2) - 1) ` = ( 1.4142 - 1 ) =  0.4142.

Question 243.

Find the least square number which is exactly divisible by 10. 12, 15, and 18.

  1.    900
  2.    850
  3.    880
  4.    840
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 900

Sol.     L.C.M. of 10, 12, 15, 18 =  180

Now , 180 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5

                  = `2^2 xx 3^2 xx 5`

To make it a perfect square ,it  must be multiplied by 5.

`:.`      Required number = `(2^2 xx 3^2 xx 5^2)` = 900.

Question 244.

If `sqrt(15) = 3.88, ` find the value of `sqrt(5/3)`

  1.    `1.12overline(7)`
  2.    `1.18overline(2)`
  3.    `1.23overline(5)`
  4.    `1.29overline(3)`
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> `1.29overline(3)`

Sol.     `sqrt ( 5/3) = sqrt((5 xx 3)/ (3 xx 3))`

            = `sqrt(15)/3     = 3.88/3 = 1.2933.....  = 1.29overline(3)`

Question 245.

If `x = 1 + sqrt(2)` and ` y = 1 - sqrt(2), ` find the value of `(x^2  + y^2)`

  1.    4
  2.    5
  3.    6
  4.    7
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 6

Sol  `x^2 + y^2 = (1 + sqrt(2))^2 + (1 - sqrt(2))^2`

                        =  ` 2[(1)^2 + (sqrt(2))^2]`

                       = 2 x 3 = 6.  

Question 246.

Simplify : ` sqrt([(12.1)^2 - (8.1)^2] -:  [(0.25)^2 + (0.25) (19.95)])`

  1.    4
  2.    3
  3.    5
  4.    2
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 4

Sol.  Given exp. = `sqrt((12.1 + 8.1) (12.1 - 8.1))/((0.25) (0.25 + 19.95))`

                           = `sqrt((20.2 xx 4)/(0.25 xx 20.2))`

                            = `sqrt(4/0.25) = sqrt(400/25) = sqrt(16) `  = 4

Question 247.

Evaluate : `sqrt(9.5 xx .0085 xx 18.9)/(.0017 xx 1.9 xx 0.021).`

  1.    135
  2.    145
  3.    150
  4.    155
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 150

Sol. Given exp. `sqrt(9.5 xx .0085 xx 18.900)/(.0017 xx 1.9 xx 0.021)`

      Now , since the sum of decimal places in the numerator and denominator under the radical sign is the same, we remove the decimal.

`:.`      Given exp.  =` sqrt(95 xx 85 xx 18900)/(17 xx 19 xx 21)`

                                = `sqrt(5 xx 5 xx 900)` = 5 x 30 = 150.

Question 248.

If `sqrt(3) = 1.732`, Find the  value of `sqrt(192 ) - 1/2 sqrt(48) - sqrt(75)` correct to 3 places of decimal .

  1.    1.632
  2.    1.732
  3.    1.546
  4.    1.332
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 1.732

Sol .    `sqrt(192) - 1/2 sqrt(48) - sqrt(75)`

            = `sqrt(64 xx 3) - 1/2 sqrt(16 xx 3) - sqrt(25 xx 3)`

            = ` 8sqrt(3) - 1/2 xx 4 sqrt(3) - 5sqrt(3)`

           = ` 3sqrt(3) - 2sqrt(3)`

           = ` sqrt(3)   `    =  1.732

Question 249.

If  `sqrt(1 + x/144) = 13/12`, then find the value of `x`

  1.    25
  2.    24
  3.    23
  4.    20
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 25

Sol.    `sqrt(1 + x/144) = 13/12`

`rArr     (1 + x/144) = (13/12)^2`

`rArr      (1 + x/144) = 169/144`

`rArr       x/144 = 169/144 - 1`

`rArr        x/144 = 25/144`

`rArr       x =  25.`

Question 250.

Find he value of `sqrt(0.289/0.00121)`

  1.    `170/11`
  2.    `165/13`
  3.    `169/11`
  4.    `170/11`
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> `170/11`

Sol.       `sqrt(0.28900/0.00121`

            `sqrt(28900/121)` = `170/11`

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