Sail E0 Webinar

Quantitative Aptitude


Square Roots, Cube Roots, Squares And Square Roots

Total Questions : 547 | Page 24 of 55 pages
Question 231. If $$\sqrt {33} = 5.745{\text{,}}$$   then which of the following values is approximately $$\sqrt {\frac{3}{{11}}} {\text{ ?}}$$
  1.    1
  2.    6.32
  3.    0.5223
  4.    2.035
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Answer: Option C. -> 0.5223
Question 232. If $$a = \frac{{\sqrt 3 }}{2}{\text{,}}$$   then $$\sqrt {1 + a} + \sqrt {1 - a} = ?$$
  1.    $$\left( {2 - \sqrt 3 } \right)$$
  2.    $$\left( {2 + \sqrt 3 } \right)$$
  3.    $$\left( {\frac{{\sqrt 3 }}{2}} \right)$$
  4.    $$\sqrt 3 $$
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Answer: Option D. -> $$\sqrt 3 $$
Question 233. What is $$\frac{{5 + \sqrt {10} }}{{5\sqrt 5 - 2\sqrt {20} - \sqrt {32} + \sqrt {50} }}$$      equal to ?
  1.    5
  2.    $$5\sqrt 2 $$
  3.    $$5\sqrt 5 $$
  4.    $$\sqrt 5 $$
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Answer: Option D. -> $$\sqrt 5 $$
Question 234. The square root of $$\frac{{{{\left( {0.75} \right)}^3}}}{{1 - 0.75}}$$ $${\text{ + }}$$$$\left[ {0.75 + {{\left( {0.75} \right)}^2} + 1} \right]$$    is = ?
  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    3
  4.    4
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Answer: Option B. -> 2
Question 235. If $$3a = 4b = 6c$$   and $$a + b + c = 27\sqrt {29} {\text{,}}$$    then $$\sqrt {{a^2} + {b^2} + {c^2}} $$    is ?
  1.    $$3\sqrt {29} $$
  2.    81
  3.    87
  4.    None of these
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Answer: Option C. -> 87
Question 236. The square root of $${\text{0}}{\text{.}}\overline {\text{4}} $$  is ?
  1.    $$0.\overline 6 $$
  2.    $$0.\overline 7 $$
  3.    $$0.\overline 8 $$
  4.    $$0.\overline 9 $$
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Answer: Option A. -> $$0.\overline 6 $$
Question 237. $$\sqrt {0.2} = ?$$
  1.    0.02
  2.    0.2
  3.    0.447
  4.    0.632
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Answer: Option C. -> 0.447
Question 238. The value of $$\sqrt {0.121} $$   is = ?
  1.    0.011
  2.    0.11
  3.    0.347
  4.    1.1
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Answer: Option C. -> 0.347
Question 239. The value of $$\sqrt {\frac{{0.16}}{{0.4}}} $$   is = ?
  1.    0.02
  2.    0.2
  3.    0.63
  4.    None of these
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Answer: Option C. -> 0.63
Question 240.

By what least number  4320 be multiplied to obtain a number which is a  perfect cube ?

  1.    50
  2.    40
  3.    45
  4.    48
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Answer: Option A. -> 50

Clearly , 4320  =  `2^3 xx 3^3 xx 2^2 xx 5`.

              To make it a perfect cube , it must be multiplied by `2 xx 5^2`     i.e. 50.

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