Sail E0 Webinar

Quantitative Aptitude


Square Roots, Cube Roots, Squares And Square Roots

Total Questions : 547 | Page 21 of 55 pages
Question 201. The least number by which 294 must be multiplied to make it a perfect square, is = ?
  1.    2
  2.    3
  3.    6
  4.    24
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Answer: Option C. -> 6
Question 202. What is the least number which should be subtracted 0.000326 in order to make it a perfect square = ?
  1.    0.000002
  2.    0.000004
  3.    0.02
  4.    0.04
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Answer: Option A. -> 0.000002
Question 203. What is the least number to be added to 7700 to make it a perfect square ?
  1.    77
  2.    98
  3.    131
  4.    221
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option E. -> None of these
Question 204. The smallest number to be added to 680621 to make the sum a perfect square is = ?
  1.    4
  2.    5
  3.    6
  4.    8
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Answer: Option A. -> 4
Question 205. The least number of 4 digits which is a perfect square is = ?
  1.    1000
  2.    1016
  3.    1024
  4.    1036
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Answer: Option C. -> 1024
Question 206. The greatest four digit perfect square number is = ?
  1.    9000
  2.    9801
  3.    9900
  4.    9981
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Answer: Option B. -> 9801
Question 207. Given $$\sqrt 5 = 2.2361,$$   $$\sqrt 3 = 1.7321{\text{,}}$$   then $$\frac{1}{{\sqrt 5 - \sqrt 3 }}$$   is equal to ?
  1.    1.98
  2.    1.984
  3.    1.9841
  4.    2
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Answer: Option C. -> 1.9841
Question 208. $$\frac{1}{{\left( {\sqrt 9 - \sqrt 8 } \right)}} \, - $$   $$\frac{1}{{\left( {\sqrt 8 - \sqrt 7 } \right)}} \, + $$   $$\frac{1}{{\left( {\sqrt 7 - \sqrt 6 } \right)}} \, - $$   $$\frac{1}{{\left( {\sqrt 6 - \sqrt 5 } \right)}} \, + $$   $$\frac{1}{{\left( {\sqrt 5 - \sqrt 4 } \right)}}$$   is equal to ?
  1.    0
  2.    $$\frac{1}{3}$$
  3.    1
  4.    5
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Answer: Option D. -> 5
Question 209. If $$\sqrt 2 = 1.414{\text{,}}$$   the square root of $$\frac{{\sqrt 2 - 1}}{{\sqrt 2 + 1}}$$   is nearest to = ?
  1.    0.172
  2.    0.414
  3.    0.586
  4.    1.414
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Answer: Option B. -> 0.414
Question 210. Determined the value of $$\frac{1}{{\sqrt 1 + \sqrt 2 }}{\text{ + }}$$  $$\frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 + \sqrt 3 }}\, + $$   $$\frac{1}{{\sqrt 3 + \sqrt 4 }}\, + $$   $$...... + $$   $$\frac{1}{{\sqrt {120} + \sqrt {121} }}{\text{ = ?}}$$
  1.    8
  2.    10
  3.    $$\sqrt {120} $$
  4.    $$12\sqrt 2 $$
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Answer: Option B. -> 10

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