Sail E0 Webinar

Quantitative Aptitude


Square Roots, Cube Roots, Squares And Square Roots

Total Questions : 547 | Page 17 of 55 pages
Question 161. Given that $$\sqrt {13} = 3.605$$   and $$\sqrt {130} = 11.40{\text{,}}$$   find the value of $$\sqrt {1.30} $$  $$ + $$ $$\sqrt {1300} $$  $$ + $$ $$\sqrt {0.0130} $$   = ?
  1.    36.164
  2.    36.304
  3.    37.164
  4.    37.304
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Answer: Option D. -> 37.304
Question 162. If $$\frac{{52}}{x} = \sqrt {\frac{{169}}{{289}}} {\text{,}}$$   the value of x is = ?
  1.    52
  2.    58
  3.    62
  4.    68
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Answer: Option D. -> 68
Question 163. For what value of * the statement $$\left( {\frac{*}{{15}}} \right)$$ $$\left( {\frac{*}{{135}}} \right)$$  = 1 is true ?
  1.    15
  2.    25
  3.    35
  4.    45
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Answer: Option D. -> 45
Question 164. Which number can replace both the question marks in the equation ?
$$\frac{{4\frac{1}{2}}}{?} = \frac{?}{{32}}$$
  1.    1
  2.    7
  3.    $$7\frac{1}{2}$$
  4.    None of these
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Answer: Option D. -> None of these
Question 165. Which number should replace both the question marks in the following equation ?
$$\frac{?}{{1776}} = \frac{{111}}{?}$$
  1.    343
  2.    414
  3.    644
  4.    543
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option E. -> None of these
Question 166. What should come in place of both the question marks in the equation ?
$$\frac{?}{{\sqrt {128} }} = \frac{{\sqrt {162} }}{?}$$
  1.    12
  2.    14
  3.    144
  4.    196
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Answer: Option A. -> 12
Question 167. If $$\sqrt {x + \frac{x}{y}} = x\sqrt {\frac{x}{y}} {\text{,}}$$     where x and y are positive real numbers, then y is equal to ?
  1.    $${\text{x}} + 1$$
  2.    $${\text{x}} - 1$$
  3.    $${{\text{x}}^2} + 1$$
  4.    $${{\text{x}}^2} - 1$$
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Answer: Option D. -> $${{\text{x}}^2} - 1$$
Question 168. If $$0.13 \div {p^2} = 13{\text{,}}$$   then p equals = ?
  1.    0.01
  2.    0.1
  3.    10
  4.    100
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Answer: Option B. -> 0.1
Question 169. The number $${\text{2}}{{\text{5}}^{64}} \times {64^{25}}$$   is the square of a natural number n. The sum of the digits of n is = ?
  1.    7
  2.    14
  3.    21
  4.    28
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Answer: Option B. -> 14
Question 170. If $$\sqrt x \div \sqrt {441} = 0.02{\text{,}}$$    then the value of x is ?
  1.    0.1764
  2.    1.764
  3.    1.64
  4.    2.64
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Answer: Option A. -> 0.1764

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