Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 28 | Page 1 of 3 pages
Question 1.

What will be the output of the program?

int main()
float d=2.25;
printf("%e,", d);
printf("%f,", d);
printf("%g,", d);
printf("%lf", d);
return 0;
  1.    2.2, 2.50, 2.50, 2.5
  2.    2.2e, 2.25f, 2.00, 2.25
  3.    2.250000e+000, 2.250000, 2.25, 2.250000
  4.    Error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 2.250000e+000, 2.250000, 2.25, 2.250000

printf("%e,", d); Here '%e' specifies the "Scientific Notation" format. 

So, it prints the 2.25 as 2.250000e+000.

printf("%f,", d); Here '%f' specifies the "Decimal Floating Point" format. 

So, it prints the 2.25 as 2.250000.

printf("%g,", d); Here '%g' "Use the shorter of %e or %f". So, it prints the

 2.25 as 2.25.

printf("%lf,", d); Here '%lf' specifies the "Long Double" format. So, it prints 

the 2.25 as 2.250000.

Question 2.

What will be the output of the program?

int main()
float n=1.54;
printf("%f, %f\n", ceil(n), floor(n));
return 0;
  1.    2.000000, 1.000000
  2.    1.500000, 1.500000
  3.    1.550000, 2.000000
  4.    1.000000, 2.000000
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 2.000000, 1.000000

ceil(x) round up the given value. It finds the smallest integer not < x.
floor(x) round down the given value. It finds the smallest integer not > x.

printf("%f, %f`setminus`n", ceil(n), floor(n)); In this line ceil(1.54) round up the 1.54 to 2 

and floor(1.54) round down the 1.54 to 1.

In the printf("%f, %f`setminus`n", ceil(n), floor(n)); statement, the format specifier "%f %f" 

tells output to be float value. Hence it prints 2.000000 and 1.000000.

Question 3.

What will be the output of the program?

int main()
float a=0.7;
if(a < 0.7f)
return 0;
  1.    C
  2.    C++
  3.    Compiler error
  4.    Non of above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> C++

if(a < 0.7f) here a is a float variable and 0.7f is a float constant.
The float variable a is not less than 0.7f float constant. But both
are equal. Hence the if condition is failed and it goes to else it
prints 'C++'

int main()
float a=0.7;
printf("%.10f %.10fn",0.7f, a);
return 0;

0.6999999881 0.6999999881

Question 4.

What will be the output of the program?

int main()
float f=43.20;
printf("%e, ", f);
printf("%f, ", f);
printf("%g", f);
return 0;
  1.    `4.320000e^(+01)`, 43.200001, 43.2
  2.    4.3, 43.22, 43.21
  3.    4.3e, 43.20f, 43.00
  4.    Error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> `4.320000e^(+01)`, 43.200001, 43.2

printf("%e, ", f); Here '%e' specifies the "Scientific Notation" format. So, 

it prints the 43.20 as 4.320000e+01.

printf("%f, ", f); Here '%f' specifies the "Decimal Floating Point" format. So, 

it prints the 43.20 as 43.200001.

printf("%g, ", f); Here '%g' "Use the shorter of %e or %f". So, it prints the 43.

20 as 43.2.

Question 5.

What will be the output of the program?

int main()
printf("%d, %d, %d\n", sizeof(3.14f), sizeof(3.14), sizeof(3.14l));
return 0;
  1.    4, 4, 4
  2.    4, 8, 8
  3.    4, 8, 10
  4.    4, 8, 12
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 4, 8, 10

sizeof(3.14f) here '3.14f' specifies the float data type. Hence size of float is 4 bytes.

sizeof(3.14) here '3.14' specifies the double data type. Hence size of float is 8 bytes.

sizeof(3.14l) here '3.14l' specifies the long double data type. Hence size of float is 10 bytes.

Question 6.

What will be the output of the program?

int main()
printf("%f\n", sqrt(36.0));
return 0;
  1.    6.0
  2.    6
  3.    6.000000
  4.    Error: Prototype sqrt() not found.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 6.000000

printf("%f`setminus`n", sqrt(36.0)); It prints the square root of 36 in the float format

(i.e 6.000000).

Declaration Syntax: double sqrt(double x) calculates and return the positive

 square root of the given number.

Question 7.

What will be the output of the program?

int main()
float *p;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(p));
return 0;
  1.    2 in 16bit compiler, 4 in 32bit compiler
  2.    4 in 16bit compiler, 2 in 32bit compiler
  3.    4 in 16bit compiler, 4 in 32bit compiler
  4.    2 in 16bit compiler, 2 in 32bit compiler
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> 2 in 16bit compiler, 4 in 32bit compiler

sizeof(x) returns the size of x in bytes.
float *p is a pointer to a float.

In 16 bit compiler, the pointer size is always 2 bytes.
In 32 bit compiler, the pointer size is always 4 bytes.

Question 8.

What will be the output of the program?

int main()
float fval=7.29;
printf("%d\n", (int)fval);
return 0;
  1.    0
  2.    0.0
  3.    7.0
  4.    7
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> 7

printf("%d`setminus`n", (int)fval); It prints '7'. because, we typecast the (int)fval in to integer. 

It converts the float value to the nearest integer value.

Question 9.

What will be the output of the program?

int main()
float a=0.7;
if(a < 0.7)
return 0;
  1.    C
  2.    C++
  3.    Compiler error
  4.    Non of above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> C

if(a < 0.7) here a is a float variable and 0.7 is a double constant.
The float variable a is less than double constant 0.7. Hence the if
condition is satisfied and it prints 'C'

int main()
float a=0.7;
printf("%.10f %.10f\n",0.7, a);
return 0;

0.7000000000 0.6999999881

Question 10.

Which of the following statement obtains the remainder on dividing 5.5 by 1.3 ?

  1.    rem = (5.5 % 1.3)
  2.    rem = modf(5.5, 1.3)
  3.    rem = fmod(5.5, 1.3)
  4.    Error: we can't divide
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> rem = fmod(5.5, 1.3)

fmod(x,y) - Calculates x modulo y, the remainder of x/y.
This function is the same as the modulus operator. But fmod() performs
floating point divisions.

#include <math.h>
int main ()
printf ("fmod of 5.5 by 1.3 is %lf\n", fmod (5.5, 1.3) );
return 0;

fmod of 5.5 by 1.3 is 0.300000

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