An instance of the SqlConnection class in .NET Framework is supported the Data Provider for SQL Server Database.
Some queries might be slow after upsizing
sp_addlinkedsrvlogin creates or updates a mapping between a login on the local instance of SQL Server and a security account on a remote server.
When using parallel pipelines (see points #8 and #10 below), it provides a high-speed, shared cache.
SQL Server Integration Services is designed to process large amounts of data row by row in memory with high speed. Because of this, it is important to understand resource utilization, i.e., the CPU, memory, I/O, and network utilization of your packages.
We can add predicates conditionally in LINQ.
Four new stored procedures provide replication support for AlwaysOn.
Oracle Pro*C is a set of APIs supplied by Oracle to query, insert, update, or delete records in an Oracle database from C applications.
The maintenance of Service Broker is easy because it forms a part of the Database Engine.