Sail E0 Webinar

Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 1975 | Page 173 of 198 pages
Question 1721.  in computer programming, assigning of an initial value or to set , variables , counters, switches etc to their starting values at the beginning of a program or subprogram is called
  1.    Restart
  2.    Initialize
  3.    Release
  4.    Rerun
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Answer: Option B. -> Initialize
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Question 1722.  which protocol does ping the computer network administration software utility use?
  1.    TCP
  2.    ARP
  3.    CMP
  4.    Telnet
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Answer: Option C. -> CMP
Explanation :
Question 1723.  what is a function of a keyboard in computer?
  1.    Print
  2.    Input
  3.    Type
  4.    In between Input and Output
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Answer: Option B. -> Input
Explanation :
Question 1724.  output devices make it possible to ............................
  1.    View and print a data
  2.    Scan a data
  3.    Input a data
  4.    Sending a data
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Answer: Option A. -> View and print a data
Explanation :
Question 1725.  which of the following is an output device?
  1.    Printer
  2.    Monitor
  3.    Mouse
  4.    Both (A) and (B)
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Answer: Option D. -> Both (A) and (B)
Explanation :
Question 1726.  the general method for to input text and numerical data in computer is by ....................
  1.    Keyboard
  2.    Scanner
  3.    Printer
  4.    Platter
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Answer: Option A. -> Keyboard
Explanation :
Question 1727.  which of the following is not an input device?
  1.    Keyboard
  2.    Monitor
  3.    Joystick
  4.    Microphone
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Answer: Option B. -> Monitor
Explanation :
Question 1728.  what is a function of a keyboard in computer?
  1.    Print
  2.    Input
  3.    Type
  4.    In between Input and Output
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Answer: Option B. -> Input
Explanation :
Question 1729.  which of the following is not an input device?
  1.    Keyboard
  2.    Monitor
  3.    Joystick
  4.    Microphone
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Monitor
Explanation :
Question 1730.  the general method for to input text and numerical data in computer is by ....................
  1.    Keyboard
  2.    Scanner
  3.    Printer
  4.    Platter
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Answer: Option A. -> Keyboard
Explanation :

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