Sail E0 Webinar

Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 1975 | Page 161 of 198 pages
Question 1601.  in satellite based communication,vsat stands for
  1.    Very small analog terminal
  2.    Very small aperture terminal
  3.    Varying size aperture terminal
  4.    Very small application terminal
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Answer: Option B. -> Very small aperture terminal
Explanation :
Question 1602.  pathways that support communication among the various electronics components on the computer system board are called
  1.     Bus lines
  2.    Wire Lines
  3.    Logic Paths
  4.    Gate ways
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Answer: Option A. ->  Bus lines
Explanation :
Question 1603.  c++ is a
  1.    High level language
  2.    Compiler
  3.    Low level language
  4.    Programming mid level language
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Answer: Option A. -> High level language
Explanation :
Question 1604.  which among the following do/does not belong/belongs to the gsm family of wireless technologies?
  1.    EDGE
  2.    LTE
  3.    DSL
  4.    Both 'a' and 'b'
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Both 'a' and 'b'
Explanation :
Question 1605.  which of the following is not a type of network ?
  1.    RAN
  2.    MAN
  3.    LAN
  4.    JAN
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Answer: Option D. -> JAN
Explanation :
Question 1606.  which one of the following computer memory is a temporary and volatile?
  1.    RAM
  2.    ROM
  3.    ERROM
  4.    EEPROM
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Answer: Option A. -> RAM
Explanation :
Question 1607.  which one of the following can make it easier to play games?
  1.    Mouse
  2.    Keyboard
  3.    Pen
  4.    Joystick
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Answer: Option B. -> Keyboard
Explanation :
Question 1608.  which one of the following computer programs is used to create a copy of all the visited pages and index the downloaded pages to provide fast searches?
  1.    Microprocessor
  2.    Arithmetic/Logic
  3.    Output
  4.    Input
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Answer: Option A. -> Microprocessor
Explanation :
Question 1609.  which one of the following computer memory is a temporary and volatile?
  1.    RAM
  2.    ROM
  3.    ERROM
  4.    EEPROM
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Answer: Option A. -> RAM
Explanation :
Question 1610.  which one of the following can make it easier to play games?
  1.    Mouse
  2.    Keyboard
  3.    Pen
  4.    Joystick
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Answer: Option B. -> Keyboard
Explanation :

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