Sail E0 Webinar

Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 1975 | Page 140 of 198 pages
Question 1391.  who invented the microprocessor?
  1.    Marcian E. Hoff
  2.    Herman H. Goldstein
  3.     Joseph Jacquard
  4.    All of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> Marcian E. Hoff
Explanation :
Question 1392.  a memory that contains a fine pattern of data permanently defined is
  1.    EPROM
  2.    RAM
  3.    ROM
  4.    PROM
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Answer: Option C. -> ROM
Explanation :
Question 1393.  in digital computer, all the expressions are coded into
  1.     Octal digits
  2.    Binary digits
  3.    Hexadecimal digits
  4.    Decimal digits
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Answer: Option B. -> Binary digits
Explanation :
Question 1394.  who launched ibm's first pc in 1981?
  1.    Dean Cline
  2.    C.B. Rogers Jr.
  3.    John F. Akers
  4.    David Svenson
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Answer: Option B. -> C.B. Rogers Jr.
Explanation :
Question 1395.  dynamic web page
  1.    is same every time whenever it displays
  2.    generates on demand by a program or a request from browser
  3.    both (a) and (b)
  4.    none of the above
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Answer: Option B. -> generates on demand by a program or a request from browser
Explanation :
Question 1396.  punched cards are associated with the name
  1.    Leibniz
  2.    Jacquard
  3.    Hollerith
  4.    Pascal
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Answer: Option C. -> Hollerith
Explanation :
Question 1397.  a piece of icon or image on a web page associated with another webpage is called
  1.    hyperlink
  2.    url
  3.    plugin
  4.    none of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> hyperlink
Explanation :
Question 1398.  the two basic types of record-access methods are:
  1.    sequential and random
  2.    sequential and indexed
  3.    direct and immediate
  4.    on-line and realtime
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Answer: Option A. -> sequential and random
Explanation :
Question 1399.  sending data from one place to another, by physical or electronic means is
  1.    E-mail
  2.    Internet
  3.    Data transmission
  4.    Distributed processing
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Answer: Option C. -> Data transmission
Explanation :
Question 1400.  punched cards are associated with the name
  1.    Leibniz
  2.    Jacquard
  3.    Hollerith
  4.    Pascal
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Answer: Option C. -> Hollerith
Explanation :

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