Sail E0 Webinar

Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 1975 | Page 138 of 198 pages
Question 1371.  the cpu is made up of control unit alu and
  1.    Memory
  2.    Input-Output
  3.    Register unit
  4.    All of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> Memory
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Question 1372.  a file that includes an index directory to facilitate random access is
  1.    Sequential file
  2.    Indexed file
  3.    Random file
  4.    Serial file
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Answer: Option B. -> Indexed file
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Question 1373.  the proper definition of a modern digital computer is
  1.    an electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and numbers
  2.    a more sophisticated and modified electronic pocket calculator
  3.    any machine that can perform mathematical operations
  4.    a machine that works on binary code
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Answer: Option A. -> an electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and numbers
Explanation :
Question 1374.  the primary memory of a personal computer consists of:
  1.    ROM only
  2.    RAM only
  3.    Both ROM and RAM
  4.    Memory module
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Answer: Option C. -> Both ROM and RAM
Explanation :
Question 1375.  a memory that contains a fine pattern of data permanently defined is
  1.    EPROM
  2.    RAM
  3.    ROM
  4.    PROM
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Answer: Option C. -> ROM
Explanation :
Question 1376.  who invented the microprocessor?
  1.    Marcian E. Hoff
  2.    Herman H. Goldstein
  3.     Joseph Jacquard
  4.    All of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> Marcian E. Hoff
Explanation :
Question 1377.  in digital computer, all the expressions are coded into
  1.     Octal digits
  2.    Binary digits
  3.    Hexadecimal digits
  4.    Decimal digits
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Answer: Option B. -> Binary digits
Explanation :
Question 1378.  in computer terminology a compiler means-
  1.    the same thing as a programmer
  2.    a program which translates source program into object program
  3.     key punch operator
  4.    a person who computes source programs
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Answer: Option B. -> a program which translates source program into object program
Explanation :
Question 1379.  a memory that contains a fine pattern of data permanently defined is
  1.    EPROM
  2.    RAM
  3.    ROM
  4.    PROM
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Answer: Option C. -> ROM
Explanation :
Question 1380.  who invented the microprocessor?
  1.    Marcian E. Hoff
  2.    Herman H. Goldstein
  3.     Joseph Jacquard
  4.    All of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> Marcian E. Hoff
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