Sail E0 Webinar

Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 1975 | Page 136 of 198 pages
Question 1351.  which of the following is the storage area within the computer itself which holds data only temporarily as the computer processes instruction?
  1.    the hard disk
  2.    main memory
  3.    the control unit
  4.    read only memory
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Answer: Option B. -> main memory
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Question 1352.  if a memory chip is volatile, it will ....................... .
  1.    explode if exposed to high temperatures
  2.    lose its contents if currents it turned off
  3.    be used for data storage only
  4.    be used to both read and write data
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Answer: Option B. -> lose its contents if currents it turned off
Explanation :
Question 1353.  what characterstic of read only memory (rom) makes it useful?
  1.    ROM information can be easily updated
  2.    Data in ROM is non volatile, that is, it remains there even without electrical power
  3.    ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive data storage
  4.    ROM chips are easily swapped between different brands of computers
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Answer: Option B. -> Data in ROM is non volatile, that is, it remains there even without electrical power
Explanation :
Question 1354.  the term mips refers to _____
  1.    millions of instructions per second
  2.    multiple instructions per second
  3.    megabytes of instructions per seconds
  4.    millions input processor set
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Answer: Option A. -> millions of instructions per second
Explanation :
Question 1355.  a file that includes an index directory to facilitate random access is
  1.    Sequential file
  2.    Indexed file
  3.    Random file
  4.    Serial file
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Answer: Option B. -> Indexed file
Explanation :
Question 1356.  a software package to implement a data base is
  1.    System analysis
  2.    DBMS
  3.    Database
  4.    DASD
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Answer: Option B. -> DBMS
Explanation :
Question 1357.  the primary memory of a personal computer consists of:
  1.    ROM only
  2.    RAM only
  3.    Both ROM and RAM
  4.    Memory module
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Answer: Option C. -> Both ROM and RAM
Explanation :
Question 1358.  the proper definition of a modern digital computer is
  1.    an electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and numbers
  2.    a more sophisticated and modified electronic pocket calculator
  3.    any machine that can perform mathematical operations
  4.    a machine that works on binary code
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Answer: Option A. -> an electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and numbers
Explanation :
Question 1359.  the cpu is made up of control unit alu and
  1.    Memory
  2.    Input-Output
  3.    Register unit
  4.    All of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> Memory
Explanation :
Question 1360.  a file that includes an index directory to facilitate random access is
  1.    Sequential file
  2.    Indexed file
  3.    Random file
  4.    Serial file
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Answer: Option B. -> Indexed file
Explanation :

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