Sail E0 Webinar

Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 1975 | Page 123 of 198 pages
Question 1221.  cds are of which shape?
  1.    Square
  2.    Rectangular
  3.    Round
  4.    Information
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Answer: Option B. -> Rectangular
Explanation :
Question 1222.  hard disk drives are considered ........................ storage.
  1.    Flash
  2.    Non-volatile
  3.    Temporary
  4.    Non-permanent
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Answer: Option B. -> Non-volatile
Explanation :
Question 1223.  any data or instructions naturel into memory of a computer is considered as .......................... .
  1.    Storage
  2.    Output
  3.    Input
  4.    Information
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Answer: Option A. -> Storage
Explanation :
Question 1224.  cds are of which shape?
  1.    Square
  2.    Rectangular
  3.    Round
  4.    Information
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Rectangular
Explanation :
Question 1225.  a disk's content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed or erased by the user is-
  1.    Memory only
  2.    Write only
  3.    Read only
  4.    Run only
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Answer: Option C. -> Read only
Explanation :
Question 1226.  built in memory of computer is .......................... .
  1.    EROM
  2.    ROM
  3.    RAM
  4.    PROM
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Answer: Option B. -> ROM
Explanation :
Question 1227.  the instructions for starting the computer are housed in-
  1.    RAM
  2.    CD-ROM
  3.    ROM chip
  4.    All of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> ROM chip
Explanation :
Question 1228.  a cd-rom disk ....................... .
  1.    cannot be erased and rewritten
  2.    has more storage capacity than CD-R
  3.    holds less data than a floppy disk
  4.    can be written only once
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> cannot be erased and rewritten
Explanation :
Question 1229.  where is data saved permanently?
  1.    Memory
  2.    Storage
  3.    CPU
  4.    Printer
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Storage
Explanation :
Question 1230.  ram is ..................... and .................... .
  1.    volatile, temporary
  2.    non volatile, permanent
  3.    non volatile, temporary
  4.    volatile, permanent
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> volatile, temporary
Explanation :

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