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Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 1975 | Page 114 of 198 pages
Question 1131.  a micro processor chip used in a pc system
  1.    Performs the primary storage function
  2.    Is the only chip cound in most PC models
  3.    Performs the arithmatic-logic and control functions
  4.    Almost always operates on by-bits of data at a time
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Performs the arithmatic-logic and control functions
Explanation :
Question 1132.  a specific part of an arithmetic & logic unit that is used to perform the operation of multiplication is
  1.    Multiplener
  2.    Multiplier
  3.    Quantization
  4.    Multivibrator
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Answer: Option B. -> Multiplier
Explanation :
Question 1133.  an integrated circuit (ic) is
  1.    Much costlier than a single transistor
  2.    A complicated circuit
  3.    An integrating device
  4.    Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
Explanation :
Question 1134.  a circuit which can store information is known as
  1.    Memory cell
  2.    Chip
  3.    Gate
  4.    Integrated circuit
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Memory cell
Explanation :
Question 1135.  an integrated circuit (ic) is
  1.    Much costlier than a single transistor
  2.    A complicated circuit
  3.    An integrating device
  4.    Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
Explanation :
Question 1136.  a micro processor chip used in a pc system
  1.    Performs the primary storage function
  2.    Is the only chip cound in most PC models
  3.    Performs the arithmatic-logic and control functions
  4.    Almost always operates on by-bits of data at a time
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Performs the arithmatic-logic and control functions
Explanation :
Question 1137.  where was the india's first computer installed and when?
  1.    Institute of Social Science, Agra, 1955
  2.    Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1971
  3.    Indian Institute of Statistics, Delhi, 1957
  4.    Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1955
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1955
Explanation :
Question 1138.  a circuit which can store information is known as
  1.    Memory cell
  2.    Chip
  3.    Gate
  4.    Integrated circuit
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Memory cell
Explanation :
Question 1139.  a specific part of an arithmetic & logic unit that is used to perform the operation of multiplication is
  1.    Multiplener
  2.    Multiplier
  3.    Quantization
  4.    Multivibrator
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Multiplier
Explanation :
Question 1140.  a micro processor chip used in a pc system
  1.    Performs the primary storage function
  2.    Is the only chip cound in most PC models
  3.    Performs the arithmatic-logic and control functions
  4.    Almost always operates on by-bits of data at a time
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Performs the arithmatic-logic and control functions
Explanation :

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