Sail E0 Webinar

Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 1975 | Page 113 of 198 pages
Question 1121.  a acronym for the organisation that publishes programming language standard is
  1.    ANSI
  2.    ASCn
  3.    EBCDIC
  4.    BCD
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Answer: Option A. -> ANSI
Explanation :
Question 1122.  a program used to detect overall system malfunction is
  1.    Utilities
  2.    System diagnostics
  3.    System analysis
  4.    System software
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Answer: Option B. -> System diagnostics
Explanation :
Question 1123.  a program used to detect overall system malfunction is
  1.    Utilities
  2.    System diagnostics
  3.    System analysis
  4.    System software
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> System diagnostics
Explanation :
Question 1124.  the shifting of a program from one of the memory addresses to another is
  1.    Data transmission
  2.    Database
  3.    Relocation
  4.    Data collection 
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Answer: Option C. -> Relocation
Explanation :
Question 1125.  which of the following is used to make a programs run when the computer is switched on.
  1.    Warmboot
  2.    Autoboot
  3.    Authentication
  4.    Boot
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Autoboot
Explanation :
Question 1126.  which of the following is used to make a programs run when the computer is switched on.
  1.    Warmboot
  2.    Autoboot
  3.    Authentication
  4.    Boot
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Autoboot
Explanation :
Question 1127.  the shifting of a program from one of the memory addresses to another is
  1.    Data transmission
  2.    Database
  3.    Relocation
  4.    Data collection 
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Relocation
Explanation :
Question 1128.  the shifting of a program from one of the memory addresses to another is
  1.    Data transmission
  2.    Database
  3.    Relocation
  4.    Data collection 
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Relocation
Explanation :
Question 1129.  a program used to detect overall system malfunction is
  1.    Utilities
  2.    System diagnostics
  3.    System analysis
  4.    System software
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> System diagnostics
Explanation :
Question 1130.  what was the computer conceived by babbage?
  1.    Games
  2.    Donald Knuth
  3.    Arithmetic Machine
  4.    Analytical Engine
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Analytical Engine
Explanation :

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