Sail E0 Webinar

Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 1975 | Page 107 of 198 pages
Question 1061.  the mouse ..................... usually appears in the shape of an arrow.
  1.    indicator
  2.    marker
  3.    meter
  4.    pointer
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Answer: Option D. -> pointer
Explanation :
Question 1062.  the arrow keys can be used to ......................... .
  1.    delete text 
  2.    move the cursor in the text that has already been entered
  3.    save the document
  4.    move the cursor while deleting text
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Answer: Option B. -> move the cursor in the text that has already been entered
Explanation :
Question 1063.  what is a keyboard used for?
  1.    Input text and numbers and send commands to the computer
  2.    To create new keys to use with your computer
  3.    To open the computer up
  4.    To create pictures and images and send them to your computer
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Answer: Option A. -> Input text and numbers and send commands to the computer
Explanation :
Question 1064.  what are the speakers attached to your computer used for?
  1.    Displaying images
  2.    Sending messages
  3.    Storing messages
  4.    Handling sound and music
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Answer: Option D. -> Handling sound and music
Explanation :
Question 1065.  the mouse ..................... usually appears in the shape of an arrow.
  1.    indicator
  2.    marker
  3.    meter
  4.    pointer
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Answer: Option D. -> pointer
Explanation :
Question 1066.  what are the speakers attached to your computer used for?
  1.    Displaying images
  2.    Sending messages
  3.    Storing messages
  4.    Handling sound and music
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Handling sound and music
Explanation :
Question 1067.  the arrow keys can be used to ......................... .
  1.    delete text 
  2.    move the cursor in the text that has already been entered
  3.    save the document
  4.    move the cursor while deleting text
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> move the cursor in the text that has already been entered
Explanation :
Question 1068.  gui stands for-
  1.    Graphic Unit Interface
  2.    Graphical User Interface
  3.    Graphical User Interact
  4.    Graphics Used Interface
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Answer: Option B. -> Graphical User Interface
Explanation :
Question 1069.  gui stands for-
  1.    Graphic Unit Interface
  2.    Graphical User Interface
  3.    Graphical User Interact
  4.    Graphics Used Interface
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Graphical User Interface
Explanation :
Question 1070.  what are the speakers attached to your computer used for?
  1.    Displaying images
  2.    Sending messages
  3.    Storing messages
  4.    Handling sound and music
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Handling sound and music
Explanation :

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