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Pointing to a photograph of a girl, Raja said “She has no sister or daughter but her mother is the only daughter of my mother’’. How is the girl in the photograph related with Raja’s mother ?

A .  Sister in law
B .  Grand Daughter
C .  Daughter in law
D .  None of these
Answer: Option B

Answer-The girl in the photograph is the daughter of Raja’s sister. Hence the girl is grand daughter of

Raja’s mother.

Let's break down the statement given by Raja and analyze the relationships between the individuals mentioned.

Raja said, "She has no sister or daughter." This means that the girl in the photograph does not have a sister or a daughter.

Next, Raja said, "but her mother is the only daughter of my mother." This means that the mother of the girl in the photograph is the only daughter of Raja's mother.

Now, let's try to find the relationship between the girl in the photograph and Raja's mother.

As per the given information, the mother of the girl in the photograph is the only daughter of Raja's mother. Therefore, the girl in the photograph is the granddaughter of Raja's mother.

Hence, the girl in the photograph is related to Raja's mother as her granddaughter.

To summarize the relationships mentioned in the statement:

The girl in the photograph has no sister or daughter.

The mother of the girl in the photograph is the only daughter of Raja's mother.

Therefore, the girl in the photograph is the granddaughter of Raja's mother.

Formulas and Definitions:

Granddaughter: A daughter of one's son or daughter.

Mother: A female parent.

Sister-in-law: The sister of one's spouse.

Daughter-in-law: The wife of one's son.

In conclusion, the correct answer to the question is Option B, Grand Daughter.

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