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  1. A man bought buttons at 4 for 9 paise and sold them at 5 for 12 paise and thus gained Rs 120. What was the number of buttons bought?

A .  75000
B .  80000
C .  85000
D .  90000
Answer: Option B
Let the number of buttons bought be x.
According to the problem, the cost price (CP) of 4 buttons = 9 paiseTherefore, the CP of 1 button = 9/4 paise
Also, the selling price (SP) of 5 buttons = 12 paiseTherefore, the SP of 1 button = 12/5 paise
The man gained Rs 120, which is equal to 120*100 paise = 12000 paise.
The profit gained by selling 5 buttons = SP of 5 buttons - CP of 4 buttons= (5*(12/5)) - (4*(9/4)) paise= 3 paise
Therefore, the profit gained by selling 1 button = 3/5 paise
The total profit gained by selling x buttons can be calculated as:Total profit = Profit gained by selling 1 button * Number of buttons sold= (3/5)*x paise
As per the problem, the total profit gained is 12000 paise.Therefore, (3/5)x = 12000=> x = (120005)/3=> x = 20000
Hence, the number of buttons bought = x = 20000*4 = 80000.
Therefore, the correct option is B. 80000.If you think the solution is wrong then please provide your own solution below in the comments section .

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1 button price = 1/3
4/9 =100%




25% = 120*100 button per paisa

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