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15 years hence, Rohit will be just four times as old as he was 15 years ago, How old is Rohit at present?

A .  20
B .  25
C .  30
D .  35
E .  None of these
Answer: Option B

 -  Let the present age of Rohit be X years
Then, given: X+15 = 4(X – 15)
X = 25

Let's start by assigning some variables to the given information:

  • Let's call Rohit's current age "x".
  • 15 years from now, Rohit's age will be "x + 15".
  • 15 years ago, Rohit's age was "x - 15".

The problem tells us that "15 years hence" (meaning 15 years from now), Rohit will be four times as old as he was "15 years ago" (meaning 15 years before now). Mathematically, we can express this as an equation:

x + 15 = 4(x - 15)

Now, we can solve for x:

x + 15 = 4x - 60 // Distribute the 4

75 = 3x // Add 60 to both sides and simplify

x = 25 // Divide both sides by 3

Therefore, Rohit is currently 25 years old. Option B is the correct answer.

Some relevant definitions and formulas used in this problem are:

  • Variable: A symbol used to represent a value, quantity, or concept, such as "x" in this problem.
  • Equation: A statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal, such as "x + 15 = 4(x - 15)" in this problem.
  • Distributive property: a(b + c) = ab + ac, which is used to simplify the equation in this problem by distributing the 4.
  • Solving an equation: A process of finding the value of the variable that makes the equation true. This process involves performing the same operation on both sides of the equation to isolate the variable. In this problem, we solved for x by first simplifying the equation, then adding and subtracting terms until we could isolate x.

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