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The number of prime factors of (3 x 5)12 (2 x 7)10 (10)25 is:

A .  69
B .  84
C .  93
D .  94
E .  None of these
Answer: Option D

 -  (3 x 5)12 x (2 x 7)10 x (10)25 = (3 x 5)12 x (2 x 7)10 x (2 x 5)25
                                            = 312 x 512 x 210 x 710 x 225 x 525
                                            = 235 x 312 x 537 x 710
Total number of prime factors = (35 + 12 + 37 + 10) = 94

The number of prime factors of (3 x 5)12 (2 x 7)10 (10)25 can be calculated by the following steps:

Prime factorization is the process of writing a number as a product of its prime factors. It is the process of breaking a composite number into its prime factors.

The prime factors of (3 x 5)12 (2 x 7)10 (10)25 are 3, 5, 2, 7, and 10.

We can write this number as 3^12 x 5^12 x 2^10 x 7^10 x 10^25.

Now, we will calculate the number of prime factors.

The number of prime factors of 3^12 = 12
The number of prime factors of 5^12 = 12
The number of prime factors of 2^10 = 10
The number of prime factors of 7^10 = 10
The number of prime factors of 10^25 = 25

Therefore, the total number of prime factors of (3 x 5)12 (2 x 7)10 (10)25 = 12 + 12 + 10 + 10 + 25 = 94

Hence, the correct answer is Option D. 94.

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