Sail E0 Webinar
  1. A salesman receives salary of Rs 1000 per month and commission of 8% on all sales in excess of Rs 2000. What should be the amount of his sales in a particular month if he were to earn Rs 5000 in that month?

A .  Rs 50000
B .  52000
C .  54000
D .  56000
Answer: Option B
To determine the correct option, we need to use a formula that relates the salesman's salary, commission rate, and sales amount to his total earnings.
Let S be the amount of sales in a particular month, and let E be the total earnings of the salesman. Then we have:
E = 1000 + 0.08(S - 2000)
The salesman's total earnings consist of his fixed salary of Rs 1000 per month, plus a commission of 8% on all sales in excess of Rs 2000.
We are given that the salesman wants to earn Rs 5000 in a particular month. Therefore, we can set E equal to 5000 and solve for S:
5000 = 1000 + 0.08(S - 2000)4000 = 0.08(S - 2000)50000 = S - 2000S = 52000
Hence, the correct option is B, Rs 52000.
To summarize, we used the following steps to solve the problem:
  1. Defined the variables: S = amount of sales in a particular month, E = total earnings of the salesman
  2. Used the formula E = 1000 + 0.08(S - 2000) to relate the variables
  3. Set E equal to 5000 and solved for S to get S = 52000
  4. Chose option B, Rs 52000, as the correct answer.
Some relevant definitions and formulas used in this solution are:
  • Salary: a fixed amount of money paid to an employee on a regular basis, typically monthly or annually
  • Commission: a payment based on a percentage of sales or revenue
  • Total earnings: the sum of an employee's salary and any additional payments such as commission
  • Formula: a mathematical expression that relates one or more variables to a specific outcome or result.
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