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Which is greatest in 16(2/3)%, 2/15 and 0.17?

A .  2/15
B .  16(2/3)%
C .  0.17
D .  All equal
E .  None of these
Answer: Option C

 -  16(2/3)% =[ (50/3) x (1/100)] = 1/6 = 0.166, 2/15 = 0.133.
Clearly, 0.17 is the greatest.

To compare the three values, 16(2/3)%, 2/15 and 0.17, we need to convert them into a common denominator.
16(2/3)%: 16(2/3)% can be written as 16.66%. This is equal to 0.1666.
2/15: This can be written as 0.1333.
0.17: This is already in decimal form.

Now, we can compare the three values in decimal form.
16.66% = 0.1666
2/15 = 0.1333

From the above, it is clear that 0.17 is the greatest of the three values. Thus, the answer is Option C . 0.17.

Percentages are often used to represent fractions of 100. The% symbol is used to indicate the number is a percentage.
A fraction is a mathematical expression that represents the ratio of two numbers. It is written as two numbers separated by a slash (/).
A decimal is a number written in base 10. It is composed of a whole number and a fractional part separated by a decimal point.
To compare fractions and percentages to decimals, we need to convert them into a common denominator.
After converting the fractions and percentages into decimals, we can compare them and find the greatest.

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