Sail E0 Webinar
  1. The difference of the ages of Sohrab and his father is 30 years. The difference of the square of their ages is 1560. Find the age of Sohrab and his father in years.

A .  12, 61
B .  11, 41
C .  10, 40
D .  none of these
Answer: Option B
Let the age of Sohrab be x years, and the age of his father be y years. Then, according to the given information:
  • y - x = 30 (the difference of their ages is 30)
  • y^2 - x^2 = 1560 (the difference of the square of their ages is 1560)
We can use algebraic manipulation to solve for x and y. First, we can use the identity a^2 - b^2 = (a + b)(a - b) to simplify the second equation:
  • (y + x)(y - x) = 1560
Substituting y - x = 30 from the first equation, we get:
  • (y + x)(30) = 1560
  • y + x = 52 (dividing both sides by 30)
Now we have two equations:
  • y - x = 30
  • y + x = 52
We can add these two equations to eliminate x:
  • 2y = 82
  • y = 41
Substituting y = 41 into either equation, we can solve for x:
  • x = 11
Therefore, the age of Sohrab is 11 years, and the age of his father is 41 years. The correct answer is option B.
To summarize, the solution involves the following steps:
  • Write down the equations based on the given information.
  • Simplify the equations using algebraic manipulation.
  • Solve for one variable in terms of the other.
  • Substitute the solved variable into one of the equations to solve for the other variable.
  • Verify the solution by checking that it satisfies both equations.

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