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The decimal system was first known in India at the beginning of?

A .  2nd century AD
B .  3rd century AD
C .  4th century AD
D .  5th century AD
E .  None of these
Answer: Option D
The decimal system is a number system that uses ten as its base. It is also known as the Hindu-Arabic numeral system as it originated in India and was later adopted by Arab mathematicians. This system uses ten symbols or digits (0-9) to represent any number.
The development of the decimal system in India can be attributed to the work of Indian mathematicians like Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, and Bhaskara. They made significant contributions to the field of mathematics and were responsible for the development of the decimal place-value system.
Here are some key points that explain the development of the decimal system in India:
  • The decimal place-value system was first introduced by Indian mathematicians in the 5th century AD.
  • Aryabhata, an Indian mathematician, was the first to use a symbol for zero and to give it a place value in the decimal system.
  • Brahmagupta, another Indian mathematician, further developed the decimal system by introducing negative numbers and operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Bhaskara, an Indian astronomer, and mathematician, made further contributions to the decimal system by introducing the concept of infinity and using it in mathematical operations.
The decimal system developed in India was later adopted by Arab mathematicians and traders who introduced it to Europe. It replaced the Roman numeral system and became the standard system for representing numbers worldwide.
Conclusion:The decimal system is a significant contribution of Indian mathematicians to the field of mathematics. It revolutionized the way numbers are represented and made mathematical calculations easier and more efficient. The development of the decimal system in India was a crucial step in the advancement of mathematics and had a profound impact on science and technology.

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