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............ is the second type of soft copy.

A .  data output
B .  Audio output
C .  Logic output
D .  Virtual
E .  Video output
Answer: Option B
Soft copy refers to digital information that is stored on an electronic device and can be accessed through a screen or display. There are two types of soft copies: data output and audio output.
Data output refers to digital information that is presented visually, such as text, graphics, or images. This can be displayed on a screen or printed on paper using a printer.
Audio output, on the other hand, refers to digital information that is presented as sound. This can include music, speech, or other audio recordings.
Some common examples of audio output include:
  • Music played through speakers or headphones
  • Sound effects in movies or video games
  • Voice recordings or phone calls
Audio output is typically produced through a device such as a speaker or headphones, which convert digital signals into sound waves that can be heard by the listener. The quality of the audio output can be affected by a number of factors, such as the quality of the digital signal, the performance of the audio device, and the acoustics of the environment in which the sound is being produced.
In summary, audio output is the second type of soft copy, which refers to digital information that is presented as sound. It is an important component of many digital devices and applications, and is used for a wide range of purposes, from entertainment to communication.
Some key points to remember:
  • Soft copy refers to digital information that is stored on an electronic device and can be accessed through a screen or display.
  • There are two types of soft copies: data output and audio output.
  • Audio output refers to digital information that is presented as sound.
  • Audio output is typically produced through a device such as a speaker or headphones.
  • The quality of the audio output can be affected by a number of factors.

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