Sail E0 Webinar
Why is it advised not to wear synthetic clothes while working in laboratory or kitchen? Name four synthetic fibres and mention their uses apart from their usage in clothes.  [5 MARKS]
Reason: 1 Mark
Fibres + uses: 1Mark each
Syntheticfibresdon't burn but melt on exposure to fire.If they catch fire, they melt and stick to the body of the personwearingthem. This is why it isadvised not to wear clothesmade ofsynthetic fibrewhile workingin akitchenor in a laboratory.
Four synthetic fibres - rayon, nylon, Teflon, and acrylic
Rayon - It is usedfor making surgical dressings.
Nylon - It is used for making ropes.
Teflon - Itisusedas a non-stick coating for pans and other cookware.
Acrylic- It is used to make coloured plexiglass sheets.

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