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Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the adherents of "certain theories of non-representational art”?
A .  They do not think that the representation of nature was ever the primary goal of past painters. 
B .  They do not agree that marks on a flat surface can ever satisfactorily convey the illusion of three-dimensional space.
C .  They consider the use of illusion to be inappropriate in contemporary art.
D .  They concern themselves more with types of art such as advertisements and magazine illustrations than with traditional art.
Answer: Option C
This is a data based inference question.
Let us first look at the lines -
“in fact, rather critical of certain theories of non-representational art”.
We do not get any clue regarding what these non-representational arts are.
Let us go to the next line -
“But to argue over these theories would be to miss the point
The author has used a pronoun “these” without defining the term non-representational art. So we need to go to the next line -
“That the discoveries and effects of representation that were the pride of earlier artists have become trivial today, I would not deny for a moment”.
Here we get a clue that the adherents of “certain theories of nonrepresentational art” considered usage of illusion trivial.
Therefore we can infer that (C) is the best answer option.
The other way we can get the answer is through the complement rule.
Author is a critic of theories of non-representational art. The adherents of theories of non-representational art will be against the views of the author.
Author states that -
“When we consider great painters of the past, the study of art and the study of illusion cannot always be separated”.
So the adherents of non-representational art will feel that illusions are inappropriate for art.
So the answer is (C).

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