Sail E0 Webinar

Which of the following numbers cannot be determined from the information given?

A .   Number of labour experts from the Americas.
B .   Number of health experts from Europe.
C .   Number of health experts from Australasia.
D .   Number of experts in refugee relocation from Africa.
Answer: Option D

(i) As the labour expert is half of each of the other, so the only possible combination is

Which Of The Following Numbers Cannot Be Determined From The...

(ii) Statement (d): If the number of Australasia expert is 1 less, i.e. total experts are 20

American experts will be twice as each of other.

The only combined possible is Americas 8.

Australasia 4 + 1 = 5

Europe 4

Africa 4

Now, we need to workout the various options possible in the blank cells.


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