Sail E0 Webinar

Which of the following are the criteria for an essential element?

A .   They should be absolutely necessary for supporting normal growth and reproduction of the plants.
B .   The requirement of the element must be specific and not replaceable by another element.
C .   Should be a structural component of energy-related chemical compounds
D .   Must be directly involved in the metabolism of the plant.
Answer: Option A
A, B, and D

In 1939, Arnon and Stout gave the following criteria to measure the essentiality of an element in their nutrition.
(a) The element must be absolutely necessary for supporting normal growth and reproduction. In the absence of the element, the plants would not be able to complete their life or produce seeds.

(b) The requirement of the element must be specific and not replaceable by another element.

(c) The element must be directly involved in the metabolism of the plant.

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