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Three distinct prime numbers less than 10 are taken and all the numbers are formed by arranging all the digits taken. Now the difference between the largest and the smallest number is 495. It is also given that the sum of the digits is more than 13. What is the product of the digits?
A .  42
B .  70
C .  105
D .  Cannot be determined
E .  5222
Answer: Option B
Prime numbers less than 10 = 2, 3, 5, 7.
If the difference between the largest and the smallest number is ending in 5, the prime numbers in the end position have to be 7 and 2.
The smallest and largest numbers are of form 2_7 and 7_2
Since it is given that the sum of the digits is >13, x will be 5.
Verifying, 752-257 = 495. Answer is option (b).

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