Sail E0 Webinar
There are some rabbits and peacocks in a zoo. The total number of their heads is 60 and total number of their legs is 192. Find the number of total rabbits?
A .  30
B .  46
C .  40
D .  44
E .  None of these
Answer: Option E

Let the number of rabbits and peacocks be 'r' and 'p' respectively. As each animal has only one head, so r + p = 60 --- (1)
Each rabbit has 4 legs and each peacock has 2 legs. Total number of legs of rabbits and peacocks, 4r + 2p = 192 --- (2)
Multiplying equation (1) by 2 and subtracting it from equation (2), we get
=> 2r = 72 => r = 36.

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