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There are a certain facts about the software engineers working with an IT firm. Total number of software engineers is 70 out of which 30 are females. 30 people are married. 24 software engineers are above 25 years of age. Out of all married software engineers, 19 are above 25 years, of which 7 are males. 12 males are above 25 years and overall 15 males are married. The number of unmarried females which are above 25 is___.

Answer: Option A

15 males are married, so 15 females are married
now 7 males above 25 are married. so(19-7)=12 females above 25 are married
given that 12 males are above 25 years so 24-12=12 females are above 25 years
so all females above 25 years are married
This means 0 unmarried female above 25

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