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The number of registered foreigners from Bangladesh increases by 10% every 2 years and that of unregistered foreigners from Bangladesh decreases by 10% every 2 years. If the total population of Afghanistan remain the same for all years and the number of foreigners from Bangladesh are 2% of the total population in 2012, then how many unregistered Bangladeshi were present in 2006. [In 2006, there were no foreigners in Afghanistan from any country except Bangladesh]

A .   3 million
B .   4 million
C .   5 million
D .   6 million
Answer: Option D
Let registered foreigners and non-registered foreigners from Bangladesh in 2006 be x and y respectively.
Registered foreigners from Bangladesh in 2012 = 1.331x
Registered foreigners from Bangladesh in 2006 = x = 2.7×0.391.331= 0.79 million
Let z be the total population.
0.79 + y = 0.025z ....(In 2006)
And 1.053 + 0.729y = 0.02z... (In 2012)
Solving for y, y = 5.9 million.

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