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The number of Kazakh's from whom at least two of the three music forms R&B, Jazz and country music is preferred are:

A .   8000
B .   7500
C .   6000
D .   6500
E .   5000
Answer: Option B

option (b)

We need to minimize the region of 2 and 3 areas of overlap, this means we need to maximize the region of only 1.

This can be shown in a conventional 3 set venn diagram as follows

For the area Kazakhstan

R&B= 75


Country music =90


The Number Of Kazakh's From Whom At Least Two Of The Three M...

The value is thus 75% of 10000= 7500. Using the line technique discussed in the previous question, we can determine the answer much faster


The Number Of Kazakh's From Whom At Least Two Of The Three M...

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