Sail E0 Webinar
Regarding the digestion of carbohydrates; Match the following intermediates with the particular enzyme:
Column I (Enzyme)Column II (Substrate)i. Amylasea. Maltose.ii. Maltaseb.Saccharides.iii.Sucrasec.Dextrins.iv. α Dextrinase  d.Sucrose.
A .  i). → c., ii). → d., iii). →d., iv). → a..
B .  i).→ b., ii).→ a., iii).→d., iv).→ c..
C .  i).→ d., ii).→ b., iii).→ a., iv).→c..
D .  i).→ a., ii).→c., iii).→ b., iv). →d..
Answer: Option B
The correct matching pairs are :
So the correct option is B. i). b., ii). a., iii). c., iv). d..
Thesubstrateis a molecule upon which an enzyme acts. Enzymes catalyse chemical reactions involving thesubstrate.

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