Sail E0 Webinar
Rearrange the following parts of a nephron in the order in which fluid flows through the nephron.

  • Distal tubule

  • Bowman's capsule

  • Loop of Henle

  • Collecting duct

  • Proximal tubule

A .  Bowman's capsule→Proximal tubule→ Loop of Henle→Distal tubule→Collecting duct
B .  Proximal tubule→Loop of Henle→Distal tubule→Bowman's capsule→Collecting duct
C .  Loop of Henle→Proximal tubule→Distal tubule→Bowman's capsule→Collecting duct
D .  Bowman's capsule→Distal tubule→Proximal tubule→Loop of Henle→Collecting duct
Answer: Option A
The following is the order of flow of fluid:

  1. Bowman's Corpuscle - The nephron begins as a blind, cup-like pocket called Bowman's capsule. The capsule envelopes a bundle of capillaries called the glomerulus. Bowman's capsule and glomerulus make up the renalcorpuscle.

  2. Proximal convoluted tubule - is the longest and widest segment of the nephron.

  3. Loop of Henle - The cells of the descending limb of the loop are simple squamous and give this region of the tubule a narrow diameter.

  4. Distal convoluted tubule - Following the loop, the nephron continues as the distal tubule.

  5. Collecting duct -Collecting duct is a long, straight tube where the maximum reabsorption of water takes place to produce concentrated urine.

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