Sail E0 Webinar

Match the following columns:
ColumnIColumnIIA. Nitrogen1. Component of cell membraneB. Phosphorus2. Role in cell divisionC. Potassium3. Constituent of enzymesD. Calcium4. Involved in stomatal movement

A .   A - 3, B - 1, C - 4, D - 2
B .   A - 1, B - 3, C - 1, D - 1
C .   A - 4, B - 2, C - 3, D - 3
D .   A - 2, B - 4, C - 2, D - 2
Answer: Option A

Nitrogen is constituent of proteins, enzymes, hormones, vitamins etc. Phosphorus is a component of cell membrane, nucleic acids etc. Potassium maintains ion balance and helps stomatal opening and closing. Calcium plays important role in spindle formation and cell plate formation.

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