Sail E0 Webinar
Match list ‘A’ with list ‘B’ and choose the correct answer from the codes given below :
List ‘A’
List ‘B’
A. Nyaya
1. Jaimini
B. Vaisheshika
2. Badarayana
C. Sankhya
3. Gautam
D. Yoga
4. Kanada
E. Purva Mimamsa
5. Kapila
F. Uttara Mimamsa
6. Patanjali
Codes: A B C D E F
A .  1 2 3 4 5 6
B .  3 4 5 6 1 2
C .  4 3 2 1 5 6
D .  5 6 4 1 2 3
Answer: Option B
Answer: (b)
Nyaaya Shashtra: The author of this Darshan is Rishi Gautama Ji. The subject of this darshan is to attain Moksha (Salvation) by getting the philosophical knowledge.
Vaisheshika Shashtra:- The author of this Darshan is Rishi Kanaad Ji. He has described the true form of the Dharma.
Sankhya Shashtra:- The author of this Darshan is Rishi Kapil Ji and its subject is about the Prakriti and its products and Purusha.
Yoga Shashtra:- The author of this Darshan is Maharishi Patanjali Ji and it deals with the Saadhana, Dhyan, Samaadhi etc.
Purva Mimaansa / Mimaansa Shashtra:- The author of this Darshan is Rishi Jaimini Ji. The science of morals is discussed in detail. The concept of this darshan is Dharma.
Uttar Mimaansa / Vedaant Shashtra:- The author of this Darshan is Rishi Vyaasa ji and the subject is about the Brahmaa (Iswhar) and attainment of Brahmaa / Moksha (Salvation).

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